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The Second releases, back in 2008!

So after that bikini, wich was my release of the store, here's some of the rest of the first releases! hehe, back in 2008 they weren't bad at all :P

A shirt, a dress, and two outfits with leggings with a retro style :D But it didn't stop here!

Back in the time, when Alice was still between us, she also made this cute japanese little table specially for teenagers (it even has funny stuff written on the table) , its called Kotatsu ! Right now, it's not for sale anymore, even tho its given on the lucky board placed at the store ;)

It has 4 sits, and the blanket made of a sculpty she created herself ♥

Not only furniture we wanted to make but also accessories, so i started by making some retro oversized sunglasses, some that were very IN back in 2008 aswell (i think it's still IN hehe)

(they are sold separatedly, this version of fatpack is inside the lucky board :P)

Aaand, to finish the post about 2008! Here's one more acccessory i've made, a little bit more in the punk or goth style now:

Bye bye 2008! :P


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