a&b imports, started around an year and half ago (not sure exactly when).. This was when my child avatar decided to grow up into a teenager avatar!
Now, i have to say that by this time, it was very very hard to find teenager avatars in SL, nowadays, and fortunately, its almost as easy as children or adult avatars! Besides obviously seeing around SL stores that could tottally fit for "teenagers", as in clothing and so on, there weren't many stores strictly FOR teenagers, and only: and that's when i had the idea of creating a store made by SL teenagers, for SL teenagers :)
The name a&b, comes from Alice and Bella... Alice was a very very dear friend to me, who became my twin sister in SL for one year, and started that store with me... Unfortunately, i have to say that she simply disappeared from SL, leaving everything behind, and out of the blue... She didn't answer my e-mails anymore, and none of her close friends aswell know anything about her... It's sad, but it happens.. i tried to get used to that idea, but i still think a lot of how important she was to me, and if by any chance when i walk around SL i ever ended up in the same room as her, in another avatar.. who knows... anyway, moving on...
The Middle...
I'd like to thank JT Hammerer, because he was the one helping me support the land i've had for awhile, making the stores grow, holding the store Kid's Implosion and a&b Imports... without his help, things would be even harder for me!
Since this, my store has been growing more and more... still small yes, but growing slowly! Hopefully one day i can manage my time to run 3 stores at same time and make my teen store even bigger hehe..
Yes.. i've had people trying to defame me, people trying to ruin my business, even worse ppl defaming me saying i was a copybotter (and trust me thats the biggest offense u can do to me; I hate copybotters and i never done anything other than informing myself on how it works, in order to protect ME from them.. even tho, i think nowadays they're growing up aswell and there's not many things we can do to avoid them to steal us), and it really hurts that after 2 years and some working so hard on my store, spending hours and days creating one outfit, spending weeks creating a bedroom set, trying to improve the quality of my stuff with time, i get such really offensive insults like these... some people should start thinking before they run their mouths off..
Anyway, i decide to simply ignore such things, because my mind is pretty clean, and just keep going.. because my dear customers are the ones who give me strenght, will, to keep going.. Thank you folks!
The Locations...
Right now a&b Imports does not have a main store, although you can find it at Undercity, a sim made by kids, for kids (teens & children)
You can also find SOME of the items of a&b, at the Marketplace of Rainbow Flake;
A big big hug, to all my friends that always supported me and always have been here on my side, those who know who's the true Bella, and a big big hug aswell to my dear customers that give me will to keep going! :)
Do you want to visit the store? CLICK HERE!
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